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Recovery Coaching

Celeste works with individuals like you to restore balance in all areas of our lives; so you can experience success and joy at the same time. Supporting your freedom from unhealthy coping mechanisms that have worked for you in the past but now leave you feeling stretched thin or unfulfilled, we work together to find a more sustainable, rejuvenating way to live. A process that helps you find that once elusive balance and joy that already lives inside you but is waiting for your permission to rise from the liminal spaces, and feed your heart and soul. 

Sober Coaching with Celeste Yvonne


Discover what matters to you, your values and strengths, so you can cultivate a life that feels assertive, not reactive.

Build and engage boundaries so you can feel good about what you say "yes" and "no" to. 

Determine healthy, achievable and exciting goals and work together to see them through and celebrate your successes. 

Disempower your inner critic and fear-based resistance. Let go of shame and guilt over past mistakes.

Understand and process your inner alchemy of what fulfilment, balance and a life of joy feels like, and how to get there.

Learn and practice tools around self-regulation, overcoming triggers and staying on track. 

Find and learn how to trust your inner compass through self-discovery and practicing grace and forgiveness. 

The Ultimate Mom Challenge

Subscribe to the Ultimate Mom Challenge

Celeste gets candid about sobriety, mental health, and raising kiddos with free and paid weekly emails. 

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